Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Moving Should Be an Olympic Sport!

Winter, summer...doesn't matter.  The manifold, obnoxious steps necessary for moving successfully and triumphantly require as much brain and body energy as any decathlon...okay, triathlon.  After finally landing a job in my goal city of Austin, I've spent the last 3 weeks fighting with apartment complexes, movers, and the interstate between Temple and Austin than I'd have ever imagined possible...and I've got muscletone in places I didn't even know could have muscles!

For our Relocator's Triathlon, there will be 3 basic events: securing the apartment, packing/loading the contents of your old residence, and unloading/unpacking/setting up said contents at the new residence.  These 3 mind-and-body-ssaulting events require so much arguing, haranguing, compromising, haggling, sweating, straining, stretching, OVER-straining, etc. that you can indeed be classified as a professional athlete by the time each stage is completed...and you'll certainly have spent a huge amount of money doing it.  You'll have the mental and physical strength of a pro athlete by the time you're finally sitting comfortably and exhaustedly in your new digs sipping on the beverage of choice.

This has been a really crappy moving experience thus far, and I darn well better have a gold medal awaiting me at the end!!

This has been a relatively crappy posting too, but it reflects my scattered frame of mind and emotions rather well...so I feel vindicated :-)

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