Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ode to Cilantro

Immortal herb, chlorophyllic splendor!
Thou cheereth my salad with leaves sweetly tender.
Ecelctically charming, thy taste indiscriminate,
From Asian to Tex-Mex thy flavor is relevant.

Lo gently, lo slowly
My knife cuts thee wholly
‘Til shredded and pastelike
Thy sacrifice yields Pad Thai.
Thee smelleth, thee tasteth
Of joy photosynthesised;
Thou makest my día
And flavoreth my salsa.

Seasoning for all seasons, my heart yearns to see
Thy greenest of leaves go on sale at HEB!


  1. Not to spoil the poetic moment, but I wonder how it came about the we call coriander "cilantro"? The latter sounds cooler ...

  2. You say tomato 'n I say tomato...okay, that doesn't work so well in writing LOL
