Friday, June 24, 2011

Subconscious April is a big floozie!

Wicked interpretation of me

Hooker.  Whore.  Prostitute.  Harlot.  Lady of the Evening.  Wanton hussy!!  These appellations could all be applied to my subconscious REM behavior over the last few days.  Remember the wonderful night spent with Dream Guy only 48 hours ago?  Yes?  Well, last night Subconscious April got all kissy with it with a completely different dude!  The shame!  Granted, it made more sense that I'd spend theoretical romantic time with this guy.  Really, I mean there's history and everything, but if this behavior was translated into real life?  Let's just say I'd have had a red letter "A" on my high school letter jacket instead of the gaudy orange "B" that glared its way through the hallowed halls of Buckholts ISD. 

Where am I going with this post?  I've not the slightest clue, but going I am.  It probably stems from inner frustrations regarding men and relationships in general...not just my previous men or my previous relationships.  Methinks these sleepful thoughts are inspired by the messed-upness of ALL relationships I've watched happen in the past 36 years.  Overall it hasn't been pretty.  So many people who were so amazing together just let it all fall apart, and why?  Reasons varied, but each individual firmly believed that their argument and their point of view was the last and only word to be said on the subject. 

But common sense tells us that such is never the case.  There are always at least two sides to each argument, oftentimes even MORE than two sides (which is why they call it a "meat and three"...never mind).  It confounds me how frequently open communication eludes us as human beings, how constantly we feel the desperate need to be "right" to the extent that we must "win" the argument at any cost.  Even more rare than open communication is the existence of solidly defined right and wrong, black and white.  Sure, some things are universally accepted as being right or killing.  Killing is bad.  It messes with the good of everybody and everything on multiple levels.  And Jar-Jar Binks...and Speedos.

Of course, sometimes communication is impossible, and who's right of wrong doesn't even enter into the scenario.  Sometimes one person wants to have a genuine, meaningful discussion, but the other person sincerely does not.  I accept this as another fact of reality conveniently left out of my unhelpfully-abridged Handbook of Life.  It sucks, and I don't understand being willing to lose something special because you don't wish to discuss problem issues...but I accept it.  It is in those instances that I want to repeatedly smack the unwilling talker with my Handbook of Life until they couldn't speak even if they DID want to.  How could it possibly be "the right thing" to simply ASSUME you know things can't be fixed?  Wouldn't it bring about more long-term peace for all concerned to verbally and mutually explore each 'n every avenue thoroughly before tossing the towel out with the bathwater?  Wait a minute...

So talk, people.  If you have a great relationship with someone--be it romantic, platonic, or even business in nature--TALK the problems out lest the bad permanently replace the good.  Starting over with that cliche-ful clean slate is sometimes necessary, yes.  There truly are situations that no amount of discussion can fix, but you've got to try...WE'VE got to try. 

Besides, in this Texas heat, any greener grass you think you might see will be all crispy and brown once you get to the other side anyway LOL

What the world DOESN'T look like in Texas!  This is actually Tennessee ;-)


  1. It's easy to wonder why long-time married couples get divorced. It's easy to ask "why" from our end. Being right is highly overrated. On the other hand, sometimes it is completely necessary.

  2. Our writing projects clashed on timing yesterday, so I'm just now getting to this :).

    You already know my thoughts on the goodness of open, respectful conversations. So I'll just say about this post: well done, niece of mine.
